Trustee´s activity


Restructuring proceedings

The office has been engaged in the trustee´s activity in accordance with Act No. 328/1991 Coll. on bankruptcy and settlement as subsequently amended by Act No. 7/2005 Coll. on bankruptcy and restructuring and on amendments and supplements to some acts since June 1, 2006.

The main contents of trustee´s activity in bankruptcy is provision, drawing up and subsequent realization of property liable to bankruptcy and its aim is proportional and collective satisfaction of bankrupt´s creditors, who registered their debts in bankruptcy proceeding in accordance with law.

No less important part of the office´s activity focuses on restructuring proceedings, in which the office provides complete spectrum of services such as preparation of proposal for permission of restructuring and drawing up of restructuring assessment based on impartial and objective review, evaluation and legally relevant assessment of legal requirements´ fulfilment for restructuring of debtor and performance of other trustee´s activities during the process of restructuring.

Pre našich klientov v rámci komplexných právnych služieb štandardne poskytujeme aj služby súvisiace s uplatňovaním pohľadávok a ochrane záujmov klientov v konkurznom a reštrukturalizačnom konaní. Vo vzťahu k problematike insolvenčného práva má naša kancelária bohaté skúsenosti tak z oblasti výkonu advokácie ako aj z výkonu funkcie správcu konkurznej podstaty podľa Zákona o konkurze a vyrovnaní resp. správcu v zmysle Zákona o konkurze a reštrukturalizácii.

V tejto oblasti klientom poskytujeme najmä nasledovné právne služby:

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